Tips for Supporting Your Teen After the Loss of a Friend or Loved One By Suicide
When your child has experienced the loss of a friend or loved one by suicide, it is incredibly important address the issue directly, honestly, and with tenderness and compassion.
Suicide Awareness: What Everyone Needs to Know
Suicide is the number one fear of friends and family when a loved one is suffering. The good news is that there is help! Family therapist, Denise Rhew, highlights warning signs of suicidal behavior and provides resources for the prevention of suicide.
Navigating the Empty Nest
Launching a child off to college is a bittersweet experience and a time of transition for kids and parents alike. Family therapist, Denise Rhew, shares some practical tips to help navigate the empty nest and embark on a journey of new meaning and purpose.
Parenting Teens (Is Not for the Faint of Heart)
What parent of a teen hasn’t thought, “What should I do?!” when dealing with a moody, defiant, struggling, or withdrawn adolescent? While there is no 100%, foolproof way to parent a teenager, there are some generalities that apply in most instances. Here are some important reminders in parenting your teenager to help you keep your sanity.
Release My Grip
“The secret to surviving a child leaving the nest is to be fully present and support them and look forward to the future through the lens of their life, not backward through the lens of my life.”
-Kami Gilmour, author Release My Grip