Embracing Play in the Holiday Season

As we all embark on the holiday season, our kids are out of school…

What do we do? How do you keep them entertained? Are they going to be bored?

It’s ok if they are bored. It’s ok not to be scheduled and have unstructured time. 

Play allows a child to explore and expand their world. Unstructured play allows children to learn problem-solving and develop individual interests. Do you remember building forts as a child and using all the random things you could find in your house?

As a play therapist, I enjoy and love to watch children grow through play. How do they see their world? What things would they change if they could?

 Here are some strategies for kids and ideas to embrace during the holiday break from school –

  1. Keep to a routine. It doesn’t have to be fancy or overscheduled. Just keep a wake time and a bedtime. Kids respond well to structure, and it makes the return to school easier.

  2. Allow for unstructured play. No child is too old to play. Yes, it looks different as they age, but play is play. Be creative. Use all the Amazon boxes (or is that just my house??) and create a tower. Decorate it. Let them paint. Make a train. Make a city.

  3. Create family memories. Let each family member pick an activity for the entire family. Young children are empowered by choice, and everyone learns flexibility when someone picks a new activity. When was the last time you went roller skating?

  4. Start a family tradition. Ask each child what they like best about the Holiday break? Maybe it is watching a Holiday movie, making cookies, or spending all day in their pajamas.

Enjoy your time together and allow yourself to experience the holidays through the eyes of your child. That is where the good stuff is.


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